UK government seeks to strengthen national cyber resilience

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UK Government Seeks to Strengthen National Cyber Resilience

In recent years the UK government has been trying to establish Britain as a leading online economy in a bid to attract more business investment. In addition to the recent agreement with numerous AI providers to secure ‘early access’ to new technologies, the government is now trying to improve the overall IT security posture of the country.

One key component of this plan is a new code of practice on cyber security governance.

A what?

In the UK, many businesses are already expected to follow a code of practice when it comes financial and legal considerations. With the introduction of a new code covering cyber security, IT issues should become embedded in every business operation.

The new code of practice has been drafted in association with several actors. Industry directors, cyber experts, and the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). Who provide nation-wide guidance on IT security matters. At the heart of the code is a focus on signatories. Developing detailed response and recovery plans for potential cyber incidents.

The code will also call for businesses to invest in their employees. By equipping people with the right skills and awareness, they can better navigate the challenges they face when working with new and emerging technologies.

The UK’s Minister for AI and Intellectual Property commented on the new code. Saying “Cyber attacks are as damaging as financial and legal pitfalls, making it crucial for bosses to take a firm grip of their organization’s cyber security regimes.”

Still under development

The code of practice is still under development. And the UK government is asking businesses of all sizes for their input. By speaking to as many businesses as they can. The government hopes to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the challenges they face and the solutions available.

According to an NCSC spokesperson. The new code should provide an important tool to “elevate the importance of cyber resilience in organizations”. 

Further guidance sought

Following high profile incidents of infiltration by foreign agencies, the government is also asking British businesses for their views on software resilience and security. Of particular interest is how these threats can be identified – and contained.

Businesses will also be encouraged “to ensure the secure development and maintenance of software, fostering collaboration with the industry to develop a code of practice for software vendors.”

Feedback required soon

The period for sharing feedback on the new code of practice closes on 19 March. If your business is interested in helping to improve the draft and ensure it is fit for purpose. You will need to act quickly.

To find out more, and to complete the feedback survey, visit the GOV.UK website.

The post UK government seeks to strengthen national cyber resilience appeared first on Panda Security Mediacenter.

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